Thursday, August 30, 2007

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Friday, November 24, 2006

3.00 / 3.01 Dumper and Decrypter

Well as the title implies, within a ridiculously short time from from Sony's 3.00 Firmware release we were welcomed by 3.01 Firmware. Naturally everyone assumed that this was a small patch. Paired releases were somewhat common in the past, so it only made sense that they left a little hole that needed immediate patching. Really now Sony, is homebrew worth constantly wasting energy on this type of blockade?

Noobz must have our collective backs as they have whipped out a firmware dumper and decrypter for BOTH the new 3.00 and 3.01 PSP Firmwares. This handy application that was released only moments ago enables dumping of "all known firmware update PSARs" by a modified version of PSPPet's PSARDumper.

This amazing feat, achieved only a day after 3.01 was released, and two days after 3.00 hit the streets homebrew enthusiasts have to wonder, "Is Sony still trying...?".

The decrypter is avileble for download in the stuff section.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New GBA emulator

The new GBA emulator gpSP_kai 2.4 ready to be downloaded.

I will upload some roms for it later

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

News 4 the ladies

Looks like that are 3 new colors for PSP's: PINK, SILVER and BLUE

PSP news

People seem to be real antsy about the release of the upcoming 3.0 firmware from Sony, and lame fakers on the internet are capitalizing on our anticipation. According to PlayStation forum user, Leah, the 3.0 firmware upgrade will be released this Thursday at Sony's Gamer's Day. Here's what she said:
"Sony will be reveling the information as well as dating the release about the next major update at Gamer's Day in San Francisco on October 19th. You guys will just love the new "Remote Play" feature, located under the "Network" icon, which allows you to access the PLAYSTATION® 3 from the PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable)."